It was a blustery cold day today, the sort that must make onlookers wonder, why do people fish? Yet there I was, braving the howling wind and trying (unsuccessfully, mind you) to tempt a bite. If you’ve seen an angler out there having their face chaffed by the wind, or clothes soaked by the rain, fishing can’t seem like that much fun. Yet millions of people love fishing, and perhaps you would too. Let’s explore some reasons why.
To Stand Up to Nature
You remember that scene from Forrest Gump where Lt. Dan has tied himself to the ship’s mast and is screaming at the hurricane? Every time I go out in a deluge, or when it’s really cold and windy, I think of that. While I try not to be quite as maniacal (I wouldn’t want to scare any onlookers), I definitely draw strength from that scene to get me through the day. There’s just something about staying out fishing when you should be warm at home, writing a blog post, that just does it for me.

To Learn Life Skills
A major reason why people fish is to learn life skills. While we all hope we’ll never have to deal with a zombie apocalypse, 2020 was pretty close. Fishing is a good life skill to know as it can help you survive lean times. Even if you didn’t need to eat the fish you caught, the other skills you learn in fishing are very useful. For example, a Double Uni Knot is extremely handy whenever you need to join two sets of rope together.
To Relax
Many people fish to try and relax. Those who are going for this are probably avoiding the windy, rainy days however. There’s certainly a cathartic effect to fishing. I’m able to lose myself for long hours just walking around a pond or drifting through a bay making casts. Indeed, by about March (the start of open water season in much of the Northeast) I’m practically insane and need my fishing fix.
To Bond With Friends
One reason people like to fish is to bond with their friends. Fishing is a great thing to do while you’re having a conversation or a beer. Two heads are also often better than one, and having multiple people casting can help you quickly decide what is working (and not).
People Love to Go Fishing for the Views
There are only three views I loved more than the sunrises and sunsets I’ve seen while fishing: my wife on our wedding day, and the first time I saw each of our children. While fishing is never going to contend with either of those, I have seen my share of glorious views out on the water. Here are a few of my favorites.
Because Fishing is for Everyone
Fishing is one of the few sports on earth that anyone, and I mean anyone can play. No matter how short, tall, wide, thin, smart, silly, rich or poor you are, you can catch a fish. Not only that, but you could catch fish professionally without needing to be an athlete in peek physical condition. Fishing is extremely accessible and fun for all. Fish could care less who you are, much less who your father was.
People Fish to Provide Meat for the Table
The prime reason why many people fish is simply to provide meat for the table. Fish are delicious and nutritious and not at all cheap at the grocery store. You will never taste fish as good as one that was wild-raised and freshly caught that day. Nor will you find one that is less expensive. Fishing is a great hobby for those that want a little extra meat in their diet without spending extra coin.
People Enjoy Fishing Because Fishing is Hard
Not to overdo it with the movie references, but there’s a great scene in A League of Their Own where Tom Hanks’ character says, “It’s supposed to be hard. If it wasn’t hard, everyone would do it. The hard is what makes it great.” This quote fits fishing well. Yeah, it’s fun and all to have an easy day where the fish are just biting, but there’s something incredibly rewarding to manage one big bite when all other fish have turned up their noses. It means you stood up to something, and saw it through.
Fishing is an Exciting Adventure to Share with Children
Perhaps I’m biased given this whole blog started as a way for me to talk about fishing with my kids, but one of the main reasons why people fish is to share a great day with their children. There’s nothing like the smile on a small child’s eyes as they proudly look at the fish they caught. It’s a beautiful sight each parent should get to see at least once, and this article I wrote will help you see it! You also might want to pick up this handy book on the topic:
To Get Cool Pictures for Dating Apps
OK, so this is a little tongue in cheek, but I’ve heard plenty of ladies wonder why so many men have pictures of a fish with them on dating apps. There is no shortage of women wondering about this. Though, in fairness, if you’re a fisherman, how many pictures of you do you have without a fish? I’ll bet it’s as simple as them thinking it’s a good photo (and darn it, if it has a fish in it, it’s a GREAT photo).
Because Fishing Makes the Perfect Date
On that note, my wife discovered how manly I was by my taking her on fishing dates. The way I was able to touch slimy fish and even be jabbed by their spines without flinching truly mesmerized her, I’m sure. In seriousness, fishing is a unique way to take that someone special out.

For the Thrill of It All
Fishing is FUN, period. There is something uniquely thrilling about having a pike smash your spinnerbait as you burn it over some sunken weeds. Likewise, the immense weight you feel when you start to twitch a jerkbait and find it has company is something you won’t soon forget. As for topwaters? Do they need any explanation? If those won’t get your heart racing then nothing will!
As for the Main Reason Why People Fish? Well…
I love fishing because it is the one pristine moment left to me in this chaotic world. I imagine I’m not alone. In a life where we’re always racing from one task to another, and grinding each day to make ends meet, fishing is the one time I can just be at peace. There’s no boss to deal with, no clients to appease, and no deadlines looming over me. There’s nothing to do, no real agenda, and just time to breath in deeply and enjoy life.
Just a few weeks ago I was nearly at my wits end. Fishing is the best therapy I’ve ever known. It sets me at ease and allows me to reenergize and refocus for the coming challenges — and they are always around the corner! I don’t know what I would do without fishing to help me brace myself for whatever lies ahead, so I thank God for creating the fishes of the water, and making them dumb enough to bite my lures.
Thanks for reading,