Crankbaits are a fantastic fishing lure with one major problem: How to store them. Their treble hooks make it difficult to keep crankbaits from tangling, and can even lead to getting pricked while trying to retrieve them. What we should all be able to agree on is not to do what my father does: do not use a plastic bag for crankbait storage, unless you want to practice taking hooks out of your hand.
The problem is that even storing two crankbaits next to each other runs the risk of their hooks tangling. However, they’re such good lures that one is never enough! You have a few different options to organize your crankbaits to keep them from tangling. The first is to do something about the hooks, and the second is to find an organizer that allows them all their own spot.

While I don’t personally find crankbaits to be a good lure to use around children, if you’re going to, at least organize them in a way no one will get hurt. Read on to find out my recommendations!
Crankbait Hook Covers
Your first option to store your crankbaits is to do something about their hooks. After all, the reason they’re such a pain to store is because the treble hooks tangle with each other. If you prevent this then obviously, you’ll stop your crankbaits from tangling.
Multiple companies sell products that fit onto crankbait hooks. There are some advantages and disadvantages:
Advantages | Disadvantages |
* You can use the tackle storage you already have, such as a tackle box * They are an inexpensive option * They allow you to store multiple plugs in one tackle box divider. | * Crankbait hook covers take up space. * It is easy to lose these small parts. * They take time to put on and take off. |
If this looks like an idea that’s up your alley, you might try the following products, all of which can be found at Amazon:
Hook Bonnets
Hook bonnets, like the treble hook protectors in the imagine below, work by letting you simply slide your treble hooks into them. They are quite inexpensive (click the picture for the price) and they allow you to keep multiple crankbaits in one storage area of your tackle box.
THKFISH Treble Hooks Covers Fishing Hooks Protector
If you want something a little bit more secure, THKFISH makes treble hook covers with a locking mechanism. You can purchase these crankbait hook covers at Amazon, and may find them a better option when fishing with kids. I’ve used some of the non-locking ones before, and while they work alright at first, eventually they wear out a bit and fall off easily. This product by THKFISH solves that problem.
Fishing Lure Wraps
While hook bonnets and covers are fine for using in a tackle box, they aren’t so useful if you’re keeping things light and walking around with some lures in your pocket. Instead, consider these fishing lure wraps. Lightweight, durable, and with a see through sleave, you can carry your crankbaits without fear of them tangling. They’re also handy if you’re walking with a few rods or even keeping them in a rod locker as you’ll prevent your crankbait hooks from tangling on each other in storage.
Ever wonder what the difference is between jerkbaits and crankbaits? Read this article to find out!
Crankbait Storage Tackle Boxes
Nowadays there are several manufacturers who make dedicated crankbait storage tackle boxes. While some of the options are pricy, they offer the solution of being very organized and also safe as they have a cover. Some of the other options for storing crankbaits (like the Styrofoam I’ll discuss in a bit) isn’t very safe. Dedicated crankbait storage tackle boxes are.
If you’re the organized type who wants to keep their crankbaits from tangling with a dedicated storage system, consider these options:
Bass Mafia Bait Coffin
I might as well start with the best. While expensive, Bass Mafia makes what I believe to be the finest tackle boxes on earth. They are built to standard sizes (such as 3700) which enables them to fit in your current tackle bag or boat storage, but they’re built to a significantly higher quality than their competitors. Extremely durable and crush proof, these boxes seal up considerably better than standard boxes and have a quality you can feel in your hands.
Frankly, if you haven’t tried these, you must. Further, if you’re trying to shop for an angler, this is the sort of gift that might be a little too much for them to splurge on for themselves but would be an absolute hit of a gift.
You can purchase a standard bait coffin in 3700 size here, or if you’d prefer to use a larger one for deeper crankbaits with big lips, you can go for the 3700DD instead. I personally have one of these for my terminal tackle storage and it is hands down the favorite tackle box I’ve ever owned.
Plano EDGE Flex Crankbait 3700 Premium Utility Box
Another product that is fantastic is the Plano Edge Flex Crankbait 3700 Premium Utility Box that you can purchase at Amazon. You really should follow the link and watch the video demonstration to see this box in action. It has a totally different storage system than usual. Basically, there are a series of bristles, almost, that secure your crankbaits and keep them from tangling with each other. As an added plus, this keeps them up in the air somewhat, which helps to prevent your crankbait hooks from rusting.
Given that these also come in standard 3700 size, they will likely fit whatever current tackle bag or such you’re using.
Flambeau Outdoors Zerust MAX 5007ZM Tuff Tainer
Your other option for crankbait storage is a traditional tackle tray. While this won’t do much to keep your hooks from getting tangled (at least not if you put numerous crankbaits in one compartment), it will keep them from pricking your hands.
If you go with this option, I’d recommend getting a Flambeau case as they are coated with a special substance that helps prevent rust buildup. It’s one thing to get jabbed by a treble hook. It’s quite another if the treble hook is rusty!
The Low Tech Solution: Styrofoam Crankbait Storage
That extra Styrofoam that showed up in your last Amazon prime delivery makes a great crankbait storage option. It’s your cheapest option given you already have plenty of it, you can cut it to whatever size you want, and if you get too excited and knock it overboard, it will even float. The only downside is that some of your hooks will be exposed, so it can be a little dangerous, especially around kids and dogs.
To use Styrofoam to store crankbaits, just jab one of their hooks into it. If you put one point from each treble hook into the foam, you’re guaranteed to prevent your crankbaits from tangling.
It’s not the fanciest solution and it does have its drawbacks, but it is by far the cheapest, especially if you’re fishing from a boat where you can secure a few of these carboard strips somewhere out of the way.

Other Options… The Plastic Bag.
No, I’m kidding. Under no circumstances do that. Dad does, and every year I have to help him get a hook out of his hands. It wouldn’t be so bad if he didn’t put the plastic bag in his pocket and forget about it, but still.
I hope you found this article helpful. Again, while I don’t usually throw too many crankbaits around kids just because of how dangerous they can be, at the very least, organizing your crankbaits appropriately will prevent accidents and keep them from tangling. This makes investing in a good crankbait tacklebox a wise choice for any parent.
John Paxton