While I’ve written several articles discussing the best fishing rods for kids, what if you, the parent, are just starting out? What is the best fishing rod for beginners like you? Well, much like with kids, I’d recommend an Ugly Stik as about as good a fishing rod as a beginner could buy. It’s durable, inexpensive, and capable of handling most situations you’ll encounter. The only trick is to make sure you buy an adult-sized one that will serve you well. In this article, I’ll get you set up in no time.
Why an Ugly Stik is a Great Fishing Rod for a Beginner
I suppose I’m partial to recommending Ugly Stik so much because I it’s what I grew up fishing, and it’s still my father’s brand of choice. All of its strengths are very useful for novices, and even its “shortcomings” are huge pluses if you’re just starting out. While it’s not going to be seen on many professional tours, it is an extremely popular fishing rod and it’s easy to see why.
For a few years now, I’ve been writing about Ugly Stik’s durability on this blog. I’ve been raving about it to my friends in person for a few decades. Ugly Stik’s simply don’t break. They stand up to the kind of abuse that a novice might accidentally bring, making them great fishing rods for beginners.
Dad has owned several of these rods for what must be over 30 years at this point. About the worst damage I can ever recall one sustaining was having part of the line guide eye fall out after years of service. This includes years with three young children dragging and smacking them around, countless fish of all sizes, exposure to the elements, and general wear and tear.
This is far and away the reason I’ve recommended the brand for kids for years, but it’s also great for the parent. As a beginner, you might not quite appreciate all the different ways you can destroy a fishing rod. Chances are an Ugly Stik will give you a “scare” rather than a bill, as these rods simply hold up.
Even if you did manage to break one of these rods, it wouldn’t hurt as much when you consider the price. While I hesitate to give you a price as they can change at any moment on Amazon, I am comfortable telling you that Ugly Stiks are some of the most affordable rods out there. This makes them a great fishing rod for beginners because you don’t need to break the bank to get set up. If you don’t believe me, go ahead and check out the price of this Ugly Stik Elite. It is a mere fraction of more expensive entry level rods like the St. Croix Triumph.
Sometimes, a low price can make people nervous. They wonder if they’re really getting quality, or if they’re going to be in a position where they will have to buy another, more expensive item shortly. I know when I start a new hobby, I’m hesitant to buy “the cheapest” anything as I figure it’s just junk. Well, first of all, Ugly Stik isn’t “the” cheapest, it’s just inexpensive and affordable. Secondly, however, you will own that Ugly Stik forever and it will do what you ask it to do. It is an inexpensive item that you can have confidence in.
Ugly Stik rods are versatile. First, you can buy one for almost any situation. They have everything from ultralight models that are great for panfish up to true bruisers designed for dealing with catfish. Even if you just bought a run of the mill, “standard” model, you’ll find that you use it for different things as your angling hobby takes off. At first, it would be your go to fishing rod that you bought as a beginner. Later on, if you upgrade to more expensive rods, you’ll find you still press the Ugly Stik into service for some of the dirtier fishing jobs out there. For example, many of those Ugly Stiks I used as a child are now the catfish and bowfin rods I use with chicken liver today.
An Ugly Stik is one of the best fishing rods for beginners because you can still use throughout your life. This is the kind of purchase that you’re going to end up getting more than your money’s worth out of. There aren’t many tools for many hobbies that you can say that about.
Which Ugly Stik is the Best Fishing Rod for Beginners?
As mentioned earlier, Ugly Stik offers a wide variety of rods within their brands. All are relatively inexpensive fishing rods that make a good choice for beginners or people who don’t fish that often. I personally favor the Ugly Stik Elite just because I enjoy a cork handle more than a foam one found on the GX2, but you do pay a bit of a premium for this. In fact, I like the Ugly Stik Elite so much that I wrote an entire article discussing it specifically. You can read that here.

Why No Other Options?
I really don’t want this article to feature the typical SEO-grab you see where the article lists a bunch of different rods and reels that just so happen to have a comparable price point. I wrote this specifically about Ugly Stik because I believe in that brand. There are certainly other rods of a comparable price point. I’ve tried a few and when I did, it always felt like an entry level rod to me, or broke quickly. If you’re a beginner looking for your first fishing rod, this is the brand for you.
I hope this article saved you some money and gave you more confidence in this brand. While you will, eventually, move on to other rods, I am a firm believer that if an Ugly Stik were your first fishing rod, it would also be the one that lasts the longest.
As an aside, if you’re new to fishing, go ahead and pick up my book, Fishing with Kids: A Parent’s Guide. While it is written from the perspective of teaching a parent how to fish so they can take their children with them, it’s also quite useful as a solo guide.
Have a great day for fishing,
John Paxton