After several days of trying, I’ve finally pulled it off. My first open water (or any water for that matter) fish of 2021! We’ve had ice out here since the 11th and I’ve gone a few times to Spring Pond and the Farmington Reservoir trying to catch a fish.
I’ve been going a bit nuts trying to get the first fish of the year. This COVID thing is really starting to get to me and I needed the smell of victory on a fishing lure or two. Unfortunately, it’s much harder to fish these days than when I was younger. Years ago, I’d simply get out early and stay out late until I managed to coax something — anything — to bite. That’s not possible with small children and having only so much time to work with.
Early Failures…
My first attempt was back on the 11th, again at Spring Pond. I brought out my trusty St. Croix Legend Elite 6’6″ spinning rod with a clown Rapala Shadow Rap and worked the only water I could find (which wasn’t much). You wouldn’t believe me, but I did manage to get a small bass to hit it right in that lane you can see in the photo below. Unfortunately, it threw the hook about 4′ from shore, crushing me! So much for an early fishing report from Spring Pond – I need at least something to write about.

After that heart break I went back a few times but didn’t have much time to work with. You really need to work jerkbaits slow this time of year to be successful. That’s twice as hard to do that when you know you only have 45 minutes to an hour to fish.
I also tried my luck at the Farmington Reservoir off of Route 6 a few times but had no luck there, either. That place is always tough. Frankly, so is Spring Pond, but Spring Pond at least has huge fish that could reward you. The best I’ve ever pulled from the Reservoir went about 3-4lbs. Anyway, I tossed my share of jerkbaits, jigs, and lipless cranks. No matter what I tried, nothing bit since that one that spit the hook on the 11th.
Today’s Spring Pond Fishing “Action.”
I’m not really sure most would call one fish “action” but I beat the skunk and that’s all that matters. I set out to Spring Pond after finding high temperatures for most of the week (easily in the upper 50’s if not greater). The hope was that would thaw out the place a bit more and perhaps make the fish more active.
I parked in the south lot and started working my way with a #10 X-Rap in Yellow Perch color counterclockwise around the pond. Not so much of a hit anywhere. I did notice that the pipe in the southwest corner was gushing in water and the water rose a bit. This’ll probably set things up nicely in a few days near some of the “hidden gems” you’d know about if you ever fished it at low levels. Spring Pond can have some furious action once the water is about 6-10″ higher than it is right now.
I didn’t have a thermometer for the water temps, but at least it wasn’t immediately freezing my line guides as I brought it up. In any event, the one fish of the day – and a glorious little bugger at that – was caught in the extreme northeast corner by casting out far (not near the laydown) and working the x-rap back in. The bass (all of 10″ or so) hit the x-rap about halfway back. It wanted to jump but I managed to keep it down and get it to shore. It was a little dinker but I’ll take it!

Other Signs of Life
Carp where already breaching all over the northwest spawning flat, which is a promising sign of things to come. Further, multiple turtles were observed in the southeast. The pond is starting to come alive and good fishing should be had in just a few more days to weeks of stable weather. Hopefully I’ll have more Spring Pond fishing reports for you soon.
I need to wait a bit before I take my kids fishing (taking them this early would all but guaranteed violate my “get a fish in the livewell/bucket” rule), but I hope to get them out soon. My son especially has been chomping at the bit, and it’s time for my daughter to catch one too. As I’ve mentioned before, Spring Pond is a great place to take kids fishing. I just need them to have a bit better chance of catching something!
Anyway, the skunk is gone. Here’s to a great 2021 fishing season, everyone!
Have a great day for fishing,
John Paxton